Dr. Watson And The Case Of The Impossible Crossword
A Cry For Help
"WATSON, I have the perfect case to work on your puzzling skills. Read the letter on the table."Mister Holmes,
I am quite in distress! When I came to my mother's home last night I found it to be empty. The only thing off was the crossword puzzle that was laying on her favourite chair. Now, she solves hundreds of puzzles every week so to find a crossword puzzle there in itself is not strange at all, but it was in her handwriting! She created it! I hoped that if I could solve the puzzle I would get some clue as to where she is.
I am not at all bad at crosswords myself, being taught by my mother. I soon had found some of the words but they don't seem to fit at all. Please help me Mister Holmes!

My mother is a very eccentric lady so I am afraid something might happen to her.
Yours truly,
Miss Waterstone
Holmes was smiling while I read the letter.
He said:
"As you can clearly see from the precise handwriting on the crossword clues, the lady Waterstone was not under any threat or hurry. I am quite sure that she is fine. I trust this case to you, Watson, but beware that this crossword does not seem to be anything like a regular crossword. I wish you luck."